Developed by clinicians for clinicians
The Leading Educational Platform
The BEATCME is an educational platform developed by clinicians for clinicians to exchange current updates, knowledge and experience through combining academic presentations, open discussions as well as ‘Live Cases’ to educate, motivate and inspire participants.
The BEATCME is organized and managed by the Expert Academy for the Management of Thrombosis (EACMT) which is an international faculty of prominent clinicians, scientists, researchers, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and subject matter experts at the field of Atrial Fibrillation (AF), guidelines, real-world experience and Thromboembolism. The Academy includes cardiologists, neurologists, internists, and physicians from all walks of the related medical fields.
Materials are centered on Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) and state of the art practice. Where there is an evolving concept or evidence is absent or in whom alternative options are required, debates will discuss the gaps in our current knowledge and the best available evidence to address the unmet medical needs and how to optimally manage patients.

Designing an innovative educational platform to facilitate HCP’s assimilation of relevant and practical clinical science.
Creating a simple, high-quality educational content, on-line and off-line, customized for a global audience.

- Premium quality content and speakers
- Transparency
- Ethical standards & Evidence-based
- Collaboration: By physicians – For physicians
- Agile and stepwise building of expertise and skills
- Measurable quality and content

Prof. Freek Verheugt
Emeritus Professor of Cardiology

Dr. Peter Lansberg (MD, Ph.D.)
Vascular Medicine Expert

Prof. Renato D. Lopes
Professor of Medicine

EACMT Faculty